Homework Writing Help

The Best Method To Do Homework With Flying Colors

One of the main secrets to a child’s success in school is staying organized. If your child is struggling with his or her classwork and homework, one of the first things you can do as a parent is take an inventory of the tools you’re providing to foster good organizational skills.

In short, here’s what needs to be done to get your child up to speed on classwork: get organized. Here’s the top tips to help you child get those “A’s” on assignments:

  1. Set up a designated homework station: your child should have a quiet, undisturbed location for doing homework, including studying. The study niche should meet these requirements:
    • must be away from noise and distraction
    • comfortable seating is a must
    • provide good lighting
    • room to spread out

    If you don’t have a permanent workstation, set up a rolling cart for your child to use.

  2. Have supplies at hand: which supplies your child needs will depend on his or her grade and class. The basics that any station should have are:
    • writing tools, like pencils (with a hand-held sharpener) and pens
    • paper
    • scissors
    • ruler
    • stapler
    • tape

    All of these items needs to be organized and easy for your child to find.

  3. Time management is paramount: you can create a perfect physical environment easily enough; it is the mental environment that is hard to create. Children must be taught to focus; we aren’t necessarily born with this ability.

  4. Set a time for completing homework each day. This needs to be a solid routine your child can count on. Make it a solid, measurable routine, such as homework is finished before play, or it’s finished before dinner. You can set a timer if you need to, letting your child do small chunks of work at a time and getting a short break between sessions. A recurring alarm can be set as a reminder to stay on task.

  5. Check on your child’s progress: take stock of what’s going on at school every day. Here’s one method for getting your child organized:

    • Set up a 2-sided pocket portfolio for each class (different colors for each class works well). The right side is for completed work that needs to be turned in. The left side is for new assignments that need to be completed.

    • Check the pocket portfolios when you child comes home. When your child says he or she is finished with all homework assignments, check the right side to make sure it’s all done, and done correctly.

    • Check in the morning to make certain all work is in the proper folder.

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